Praying for Baby Hays
Praying for Baby Hays
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Amanda Hays is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My husband Jacob and I are raising money for medications for our second round of IVF. We are pursuing IVF due to recurrent miscarriage and poor egg quality concerns.
Our suspicions of poor egg quality were confirmed after our first IVF cycle resulted in 0 viable embryos for us to transfer; we were devastated. We have dreams of having our own baby one day and never dreamt that this would be our story.
Our infertility started after we had a miscarriage in December of 2022. Our baby stopped growing at 9 weeks’ gestation. It took a lot to move on from that unexpected loss and we became pregnant again in April 2024. Unfortunately, when we went in for our 7-week appointment we no longer could hear a heartbeat.
In September 2024, we decided to do IVF. We were thrilled to have 11 eggs retrieved but unfortunately, we did not receive a viable embryo due to poor egg quality.
We will be paying 100% out of pocket, due to not having insurance that covers a second egg retrieval. We would do anything for our sweet baby to be more than a dream.
If you are unable to help financially, praying for us to finally have the child we have prayed about for so many years will be just as appreciated.
Amanda & Jacob Hays
Name | Donation | Date |
Tonya Miller | $250.00 | October 16, 2024 |

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Amanda Hays is organizing this fundraiser.